Batting Stances - How to Find the Right Position for Success

by Bobby Woods August 14, 2024

Batting Stances - Baseball Player in even Batting Stance

In the world of baseball, the proper #battingstance is a critical element that can significantly impact a player's hitting performance. Each batter’s positioning influences their ability to make contact with the ball, generate power, and adjust to different types of pitches. So what is the #perfectbattingstance? Analyzing batting video footage can provide valuable insights into how various stances affect hitting outcomes. By understanding these nuances and studying how different postures play out in video analysis, players can refine their technique to find the stance that best suits their style and enhances their success at the plate.

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The Importance of a Proper Batting Stance

A proper hitting posture serves as the foundation for a successful swing. It affects balance, timing, and the ability to react to pitches. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach, a well-chosen stance allows players to align their body mechanics in a way that maximizes their potential. Whether you’re a power hitter or a contact hitter, the right positioning can help optimize your performance and increase your chances of making solid contact with the ball.

Bobby Woods is a former Chicago Cubs Player & Arizona State University graduate

Open Stance

The open stance involves positioning the front foot closer to the batter’s side of the plate, creating an angled body posture. This provides a clear view of the pitcher.

Closed Stance

In contrast, the closed stance has the front foot closer to the plate, creating a more perpendicular body position. While some hitters may hit well in this stance, it can cause a multitude of problems. Some hitters will stride more toward the plate thus causing a decrease in your vision from your back eye to the ball at release from the pitcher It can also cause handle contact (getting jammed ) when a hitter makes contact with the ball.The closed stance can also cause more tension in the hitter's body causing decreased reaction and movement time. 

Square Stance

The square stance is characterized by having both feet parallel to the plate, with the body facing straight ahead. This neutral position provides a balanced approach, allowing batters to see the ball well and make adjustments based on pitch location. This batting position is versatile and can be effective for both contact hitters and power hitters. It facilitates good weight transfer and stability during the swing, making it a popular choice among many players.

Balance and Stability

Balance is crucial for a successful swing. A hitting posture that provides a solid base allows players to maintain stability throughout the swing, leading to more controlled and powerful contact. The open stance, with its angled body position, can offer greater balance when pulling the ball, while the closed stance provides stability for hitting to the opposite field. The square stance generally offers a balanced approach for various pitch types.

Pitch Recognition

Pitch recognition is enhanced by the ability to see the ball well from the batting position. The open stance can provide a clearer view of the pitcher’s delivery, helping batters anticipate the pitch. However, it may require additional adjustments to cover the outer half of the plate. The closed stance may offer a less expansive view but can help with recognizing pitches on the outside part of the plate. The square stance generally provides a balanced view, aiding in pitch recognition and reaction.

Finding the Right Hitting Position for You

Choosing the right batting stance involves experimenting with different postures to see what feels most comfortable and effective. Players should consider their strengths, weaknesses, and hitting goals when selecting a stance. Working with a coach or experienced player can provide valuable feedback and guidance in refining the stance and swing mechanics.

It’s important to remember that the ideal stance may evolve over time as players develop their skills and adjust to different pitching styles. Regular practice and self-assessment will help players find the stance that best suits their hitting style and enhances their overall performance.

Final Thoughts

Understanding and choosing the right batting position is a fundamental aspect of improving hitting performance in baseball. By analyzing different stances and their impacts on balance, swing mechanics, and pitch recognition, players can identify the posture that aligns with their strengths and goals. Whether opting for an open, closed, or square stance, the key is to find a position that feels natural and effective, leading to greater success at the plate. With practice and attention to detail, players can harness the power of their chosen stance and elevate their hitting game. It is very important to understand the stride occurs before the ball is released  from the pitcher. Therefore, if a hitter has an open or closed stance, he or she should stride in the general direction of the pitcher before the ball is released. In an even stance the front foot is already in line with the pitcher.

Bobby Woods
Bobby Woods


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