Baseball Pitching - Pick Off Plays

by Bobby Woods September 14, 2024

youth baseball player pitching the ball

Having played 4 seasons in the Chicago Cubs a shortstop & third baseman, I would like to share some baseball pick off plays I learned from the Cubs. Obviously mastering baseball pitching involves refining pitching mechanics. Not just the baseball pitching wind up but baseball pitching from the stretch. But picking base runners off  should never be ignored and become an integral part of your baseball practice. Here we go: Bases loaded or runners on second & third. Not to worry! Pitcher is in full wind-up position, right handed hitter. Second baseman, approximately 7 feet in a direct line away from second base. Approximately 5 feet behind second base. Catcher squatting down taps his right thigh 4 times to let the pitcher and second baseman know the pick off play is "on". Catcher gives target, waits for the runner to walk away from second base - snaps his mitt down, pitcher steps directly back off the mound, throws to the second baseman who is also breaking to second base when the mitt is snapped down.  If a left hander is batting, the shortstop sets up the same distance as the second baseman. The coach may also give a visual cue to the catcher, pitcher and middle infielders the pick off play is on - trust me, this is a really, really good pick - off play!

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Bobby Woods is a former Chicago Cubs Player & Arizona State University Graduate




Bobby Woods
Bobby Woods


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