Bobby Woods Baseball produced "Down Broadway" to create a better understanding of the fundamentals and basics of pitching and catching. This video presents the concepts and techniques that will help develop the skills necessary for the efficient performance of youth, high school, and college-level players. The baseball pitching grips and catching drills presented in “Down Broadway” will enhance the development of pitchers and catchers to play at a higher level with positive results.
Time: 58 minutes
Reviews & Testimonials
"In Down Broadway, baseball coach Lefty Devers presents an excellent set of tutorials on the fundamentals of pitching and catching, aimed at players ages 8 to 18. First up is " clearing throws ", a technique designed to keep another player out of the way for a clear shot from behind home plate. Multiple camera angles and slow motion enable viewers to see every element in the set - up and sequence of moves for this technique and others, including fastball throwing ( both four -seem and two -seam ) for left and right - handers, Little League and Major League ( for those 14 and older ) styles for throwing a curve ball (again, for both hands ). And the art of the change up. Also covered are different stances, snap throws, and athletic gear, with an emphasis on catchers, including a look at the best facemask for visibility and protection. Offering a combination of solid instruction and excellent visuals". highly recommended.
Editors Choice
- Aud:E, I , J , H , P , ( C. Black )
"Former professional baseball player Bobby Woods ( Chicago Cubs ) presents Down Broadway: Pitching and Catching Techniques for the Modern Player. An instructional video teaching viewers solid baseball pitching and catching techniques, as well as how to instruct young players ages 8-18 to improve their gameplay. From pivoting and balance to fastballs, curve balls, snap throws, fielding bunts and much more. Down Broadway is an absolutely invaluable resource for players, parents and coaches everywhere".
Highly recommended
- The Midwest Book Review
The position of the pitcher as he starts to pitch
The stance implemented by the catcher in order to give the sign to the pitcher
The first movement by the pitcher to start the delivery
The positioning of the catcher's glove when catching the ball on the outer parts of the plate
The turning of the pivot foot in front of the pitching rubber
The essentail gear worn by the catcher
The complete pitching delivery is broken down into three balance positions
Quick poistions thrwos from the catcher to First and Third base
Gripping the widest part of the seams creates the most backspin
The positioning and direction of the catcher as it relates to throwing and glove hands
Gripping the two parallel seams creates arm side movement
The positioning of the catcher when receiving the pitch and adjustment made when making the throw to the First and Third base
The grip on the baseball used by the pitcher to decrease speed
The cather's approach to fielding a bunt
The grip on the baseball used by the pitcher to create latteral and downward movement
The positioning of the catcher to prevent passed balls
$ 19.99
Filmed Through The Mayor's Office of Film, Theatre & Broadcasting - New York City, Central...